Ken Cowger – BLET553LR@gmail.com
A Christmas Prayer for Railroaders
Lord God, we come before you with humble and broken hearts from the news of our rail brothers in Texas. May you bring comfort, peace and healing to all those families touched by this tragedy.
I pray for an extra measure of safety this holiday season for all those who work the rails.
For the selfless sacrifice of time lost with family and friends,
For relationships that suffer while we are away from home.
I pray for these brothers and sisters who do their jobs thanklessly during all hours of the day and night, and no matter what conditions Mother Nature might bring.
These rails answer the call to serve their communities and deliver Americas goods, sometimes at a very high cost.
Protect our Engineers, Trainman, Maintenance, Signalman and all those who place their lives in harms way while doing their duties to keep commerce moving forward on the rails.
Please keep our rails safe!
It is in your son Jesus holy name I pray,
Ken Cowger
Chaplain – BLET
Religious Background: I grew up in the Church of Christ, (non-denominational) not Latter-day Saints. We attended The College Church of Christ in Fresno, where my dad later became a deacon. While there I was involved in the youth group, Yosemite Bible Camp and Vacation Bible School during the summers. The church was very active and had a lot to be involved in. It was there that I grew in knowledge of the scriptures and was baptized by my Grandfather Frank Miller.
In my college age years, I became very active working under the youth minister. I taught Bible classes, worked on vacation bible schools, traveled with the drama/choir group and counseled kids. After getting married and with a family of my own we assisted my parents in starting a Young Families Ministry where we created a support group of families with young children. As this grew, we started a Sunday night service, and I was involved in organizing the worship service and on occasion preached the message for that night.
All in all, my experiences and past duties have been as follows: organizing and cooking for the annual men’s retreat, Yosemite Bible Camp counselor and cook, visitation of the sick and home shut-ins, teaching Bible classes, performing wedding ceremonies and officiated funeral services.
To my Railroad Brothers: I am not a perfect person nor has my life been perfect. I am a sinner with many flaws and short comings. I struggle with life every day. I’ve even had a period in my life where I questioned my faith. Most Christians have. Through it all I have come to know one thing. I am in need of forgiveness every day. Romans 3:23, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus! The promise is there for us all, even though we don’t deserve it! The ball is in our court.
My prayer for every Railroader is to know we need Jesus and that He keeps us safe each and every day.
Public Servants Prayer 31 ways to pray